Seeds @ Your Library!

Clark County Public Library to Debut Seed Library

Beginning Monday, May 6th, residents of Clark County will now be able to acquire seeds at the Main Library!

The Seed Library at CCPL is available to Clark County residents aged 14 and older. Individuals must complete a seed library membership form to borrow seeds. A library card is not required to become a seed library member. Seed Library members may take 10 seed packets per month. We ask patrons to limit their seeds taken to no more than two packets per variety and only what they will use this season.   Membership forms can be filled out/turned in at the Main Library Reference Desk.  Seed packets will also be available at the Main Library Reference Desk. 

Seed Library Membership Form

There is no requirement to return or donate seeds. We will accept donations of unopened packets of vegetable, herb, fruit, or flower seeds. Donated seeds must be open-pollinated, heirloom varieties and organic seeds are greatly preferred. The library will not knowingly distribute or accept donations of genetically modified (GMO), patented, or Plant Variety Protection Act (PVP) protected seeds. While we encourage patrons to save seeds for personal use, CCPL cannot accept donations of saved seeds at this time.

The Clark County Public Library cannot guarantee the viability or germination rates of seeds. Not all seeds that are donated may be suitable for the seed library. Poor quality seeds showing signs of mold or disease, or seeds that are not clearly identified with labeling information will be discarded. By accepting seeds from the Clark County Public Library, you agree to waive, on your own behalf and on behalf of anyone else, any and all claims of liability against the Clark County Public Library, or the city of Springfield, its trustees and employees, for any injury or any form of loss which may result from the use of the seeds obtained from the Clark County Public Library.

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