Library to Participate in 2020 CultureRead

The library is pleased to be a participant in CultureRead 2020: A Community Book Read on Antiracism.  Copies of books to be used in the community discussions ca be picked up at the Main Library Reference/Ask Us Desk.  A Zoom discussion led by reference Librarian, Steve Frock, on the book Me and White Supremacy will be held at a date TBA.

Read and Listen to authors speaking truth about systemic racism in America.
Reflect on your place in this process.
Respond with positive antiracist actions to improve our community.
Begin by asking: Where am I now?
What am I thinking/doing/experiencing about racism in our country?
Choose your “On Ramp”, based on where you are.
What is an “On Ramp”? An “On Ramp” is where you enter the journey based on your
own experiences and beliefs. We are not all at the same place.

Possible On Ramps:
I want to learn more. I’m just starting to think about this.
I understand there are problems with racism, but I don’t see myself as racist.
I’m very concerned about systemic racism and want to take action to dismantle it.
I’m tired of being mistreated as a person of color and I want this to end now!

-Convene or join a CultureRead group that matches your “on ramp” and get started on
this journey with us. You may also wish to read the book by yourself. Then Read and Reflect and consider your Response.
-Gather with the community to share your learnings and your responses. Consider together how our community may respond.

CultureRead Groups
How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X Kendi
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad
Choose a different book that speaks specifically to your religious tradition or culture about addressing racism.
Form a group within your organization or workplace.
Convene groups for youth in your religious organization or school. (See special reading list for ideas).
What the City of Springfield will provide:
 Discussion guides
 Exit Surveys
 Online resources for group coordinators who are willing to convene CultureRead groups,
 A Community Discussion to consider personal and community responses (January)
 A limited number of copies will be available from the Clark County Public Library on
these titles through program sponsors. Note: Me and White Supremacy is always available for check out as both an audio and ebook in the library’s digital resource HOOPLA.

We welcome your respectful and on-topic comments and questions in this limited public forum. To find out more, please see Appropriate Use When Posting Content. Community-contributed content represents the views of the user, not those of Clark County Public Library