Teen Photography Contest 2022

Submission must be turned in between January 1 and January 31, 2022

Calling all young photographers! Test your photography skills by submitting your very best photograph that may end up being displayed at the library. If you live in Clark County and are a child between the ages of 13 and 18 (and still in school), take a photograph of a place that reminds you or is inspired by a scene or location from a book.

Submissions should be sent to the Lenski Children's Center at the Main Library either in person or mailed to the Main Library to the attention of Alissa Zapiecki at 201 S. Fountain Ave., Springfield OH 45506.

Photos will be judged on the following: adherence to the theme, photographic quality, creativity and originality and visual appeal. Three winners will be chosen and have their work displayed at the library and receive an Amazon gift card. Any submitted photographs will become the property of Clark County Public Library and will not be returned. Each submission must include the contest entry form which can be found here: https://www.ccplohio.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2022/01/2022-Teen-Photography-Contest-Entry-Form.jpg

Incomplete submissions will not be accepted.

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