Adventure Awaits with our Discovery Pass Program!

New Library Discovery Passes Allow Card Holders Access to Regional Cultural Attractions

Clark County Public Library card holders will now have access to another resource through the library with our new Discovery Pass Program.

Our Discovery Pass Program has been in place for about 1 year.  In that time, we've listened to patron's suggestions and comments about the program, and we are implementing a few changes to the program to make it more user friendly.  Patrons will no longer be able to place holds on passes*.  Passes will now be available on a first come-first served basis and there will be no limit to the number of passes that can be checked out.  *Please note that current holds that have been placed on passes will be honored. Those in line will not lose their place and we will be purchasing more passes to help get through the queue more quickly. 

Free access to these local and regional cultural and educational attractions is all just a check out away with your library card:

• Boonshoft Museum/Sunwatch – pass good for 2 adults and up to 6 children
• Carillon Historical Park – pass good for 2 adults and any children/grandchildren under age 17
• Dayton Art Institute – pass good for 2 adults and up to 4 children (ages 6 and under are always free)
• Young’s Jersey Dairy – pass good for 2 adults and 2 children

Passes may be checked out and returned to the library they were borrowed from (not in the book drop).  ID must be presented at the time of check out.  Passes are good for three days and aren’t good for special events/parking. 

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